Was it a sawmill, sorghum press or maple sugar bush accident? I have read or heard that each of the three was the cause of Sam Leisure loosing both hands. One just above the elbow and the other just below the elbow. At about age 17 or 18, Sam was working for Henry Overhiser when he lost both hands. Henry had a sawmill, sugar bush operation and may have had a sorghum press (see photo).
In 1880, shortly after the accident, Henry had a store built by Sam Galbreath on land he owned. Henry put Sam in charge so he could support his family. With the help of others he had a good business for years, until many began to charge items and never pay. Later he had a peddling wagon, selling tin ware, socks, jackets, and gloves. He would also buy hides, rags, papers, and old rubber. With the reins around his waist he was able to drive his team of horses. His customers would make their own change by going into Sam’s pocket. In his later days he and his wife Mate moved to California to live near two of their children.

At the Farm (July 1, 2009)
A category F-2 tornado hit the farm about 3 a. m. on Friday June 19. Large limbs from a silver maple near the house damaged the tool shed roof and mobile home used by Carlos. Several power poles were blown over and the electricity was off for three days. Trees in some of the windrows were blown over. The family did take cover in the basement and are all safe. Only damage to the crops was some wind damage to one block of sour cherries.

Aaron is still playing baseball in a tournament and the kids are starting to think about what they will take to the Fair in mid July. Peach thinning has been completed. You-pick and they pick sweet cherries will be available starting Friday July 3 at the 109th and 64th retail building. Lucero (Lucy) will be helping again this year in the sales building. Sour cherries should also be available. Allan and his crew will start shaking sour cherries the week of July 6th and they will have pitted sour cherries starting the weekend of July 11.
Speaking of July 11, that is my birthday. To celebrate we will be on the Marshall Area Garden tour that Saturday and Sunday. Check out this link for more information.
A category F-2 tornado hit the farm about 3 a. m. on Friday June 19. Large limbs from a silver maple near the house damaged the tool shed roof and mobile home used by Carlos. Several power poles were blown over and the electricity was off for three days. Trees in some of the windrows were blown over. The family did take cover in the basement and are all safe. Only damage to the crops was some wind damage to one block of sour cherries.

Aaron is still playing baseball in a tournament and the kids are starting to think about what they will take to the Fair in mid July. Peach thinning has been completed. You-pick and they pick sweet cherries will be available starting Friday July 3 at the 109th and 64th retail building. Lucero (Lucy) will be helping again this year in the sales building. Sour cherries should also be available. Allan and his crew will start shaking sour cherries the week of July 6th and they will have pitted sour cherries starting the weekend of July 11.
Speaking of July 11, that is my birthday. To celebrate we will be on the Marshall Area Garden tour that Saturday and Sunday. Check out this link for more information.
Don’t forget - eat your fruit!
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